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ADVANCED Encoded DC Focus Motor for Celestron & Meade SCTs from PC, Pushbuttons, Tablets & Phones using Wifi 

Fully ASCOM compliant so it will work with popular focus control programs. Can be operated for temperature compensation with the included temperature sensor. USB and 12V battery power cables included. Software and ASCOM drivers for Windows xp/vista/7/8/10/11. Approximately 1.5 inches wide by 4 inches long by 0.5 inches thick.


Full operation from your PC via ASCOM through a usb cable plus integrated push buttons, wifi operation from cell phone or tablet and ALPACA  wifi connectivity to your PC through your observatory wifi access point. using ASCOM and INDI compliant software drivers supporting Windows xp/vista/7/8/10/11.


Gear coupled motor prevents binding of focuser shaft and provides the equivalent of 4300 steps per revolution. Supports fast focusing with up to 300 degrees/sec rotation of focuser knob Light weight motor only adds 160 grams and does DOES NOT HIT the mount at high Altitudes/Declinations. Gear coupled motor easily declutched for manual focusing using focus knob.

Store five positions for major changes in focus (e.g., camera1 to camera2 to eyepiece type '1' to eyepiece type '2'). Just focus once and save the position and a label for later 'GoTo' . 


ASCOM has undergone a rapid transformation from Windows-only to a universal technology. Classic ASCOM has been a fundamental cornerstone of astronomy innovation on the Windows platform. Now we have ALPACA, a new way to accomplish the same things but via network connectivity and on any platform, even embedded controllers. Both ALPACA and Classic ASCOM seamlessly operate in the background of many of the products you are currently using. Both provide the same universal language so that any astronomy app/program can connect to any astronomy device which complies with the ASCOM standards. ASCOM has become essential through simplification and standardization.


ALPACA compliant devices such as the wifi-nSTEP can be network connected and communicate through ASCOM's HTTP/REST ALPACA  protocol. In the ever-evolving field of astro-photography where fast optics and advanced camera devices are essential, maintaining accurate focus is critical. Wifi-nSTEP’s built-in web server provides full integration into ALPACA that enhances the user experience by providing fast, reliable, and precise focusing of your telescope from an ALPACA  dynamic client as well as control and monitoring from any device with a web browser such as a smart phone or tablet. 

Celestron kits available to fit 6, 7, 8, 9.25, 11, 14 inch models made since 2006 and avaible for pre 2006 models. Meade kits fit their full range of sizes and models.


Temperature Sensor Included


  • • Optional Temp sensor: has its own dedicated port. 0.1 degree C resolution per measurement

Telescopes change focus as temperature changes expand/contract the length of the telescope tube as temperature increases/decreases. Adding the external temperature sensor to the usb-nFOCUS adapter allows your autofocus software to and automatically compensate for these temperature changes. Unlike internal temperature sensors located inside the controller that are affected by the heat generated by the electronics, the external temperature sensor can be attached to the telescope to get a more accurate measurement of the ambient temperature.


wifi_nFOCUS + 12V DC Encoded
Focus Motor

Select Telescope Focuser
Telescope Size

What's included

  1. wifi-nFOCUS
  2. USB PC cable
  3. Focus motor cable
  4. 12V DC wall adapter cable to power the Focus motor
  5. Focus motor + bracket & gear kit and all hardware
  6. Instructions
  7. Temperature Sensor


wifi-nFOCUS manual for WINDOWS


wifi-nFOCUS ALPACA Manual

wifi-nFOCUS software for WINDOWS


  • Design: MODULAR - Buy just the components you need. Affordable upgrade path to more Wifi-nFOCUS features and online firmware improvements. Unlike all-in-one boxes, Modular design provides easy repair or replacement of components.
  • Maturity: Since 2010 with over 1000 installs.  Fully checked out for compatibility with the most advanced Autofocus software, including ASCOM and INDI drivers.
  • Step resolution: Gear coupling of motor to focus shaft provides the equivalent of 4300 steps per revolution
  • Max focus knob totation speed: Very FAST >300 deg/sec
  • 12V power for Encoded DC motor: 12V wall adapter included FREE.
  • Bracket kits & gear ease of installation: Tailored to Celestron focusers for ease of attatchment, each kit contains all the parts needed for each particular focuser. Standard Celestron kit fits all 6, 8, 9.25, 11, 14 inch telescopes made since 2006.
  • Adding more scopes: User can add just a bracket and gear kit ($70) to a different SCT and move the focus motor or add bracket and motor ($100) and just swap the wifi-nFOCUS between them.
  • Temp sensor: Included FREE   with full controller/stepper package, has its own dedicated port. 0.1 degree C resolution per measurement
  • Manual focusing with focuser knobs: Gear coupled motor easily declutched for manual focusing using focus knob.
  • Hand controller focusing: Integrated two speed push buttons with independent manual speed control. Position kept in sync whether moved by  PC or push buttons.
  • Wifi  focusing: Wifi provides full focusing control from Android or Apple phones and tablets using web browser.  Position synchronized whether changed by  PC, wifi web browser or integrated push buttons.
  • Standalone operation: Focus using wifi phone or integrated push buttons without PC
  • Added weight on telescope: Mere 160 grams
  • Interference with Mount at high elevations: NONE AT ALL!